Hrvatska verzija
0,00 €


Can I return goods bought on ePostShop ?

    If for any reason you are not satisfied  with the product bought,  return is possible  (in original package) within 8 days from the date of receipt of goods and Croatian Post Inc  undertakes  to exchange your product or return your money. Postage paid for delivery of goods is your direct cost and can not be returned. In case of cancelation of your order, before accepting it from Croatian Post you are not obliged to pay postage.

Do I need to have user account to make purchase on ePostShop ?

    In order to use ePostShop services you do not have to register. However, this means you accept electronic communication, all rules, warnings and other messages we use in communicating with you. The use of incorrect or somebody else's e-mail address, other person's and/or other organisation's data or any other similar suggestion of an inappropriate content source or communication is not allowed.  

How can I buy the same postage stamp cancelled and mint ?

    First you go to the page where you find your desired postage stamp and then you click “Buy” and add the stamp to your basket. In case you would also like to have the same stamp cancelled, please mark the field “I want cancelled stamp“  and then after  clicking “Buy“ add to your basket also that cancelled stamp. Upon successfully accomplished selection your basket should contain twice the same product: one of them will be with the remark: "I want cancelled stamp".